Star Gate is a utility that allows easy transfer of files between PC and Mac, or PC and PC, via a serial link. If you need to transfer files between computers and don't want to bear the expense of network cards, transceivers and commercial network software then you need Star Gate. Star Gate is easy to configure and requires only a cheap null-modem cable. It can transfer whole directory trees and reconstruct the tree on the receiving computer. It also performs text translation so the line endings of text files are always correct for the receiving computer. The interface is simple and convenient. To send a file to another computer simply drag it to the outgoing directory and it will automatically appear in the incoming folder of the other computer. Forget about protocols, packets, CRCs etc. just drag your files! The zip file contains: StarGate.exe 32-bit executable for Windows 95, Windows NT StaGat16.exe 16-bit executable for Windows 3.1, WFW 3.1 StarGate.hlp the windows help file SG_Mac.hqx a Macintosh binhex 4.0 file containing the Macintosh version of the program readme.txt this file To install the Macintosh software copy SG_Mac.hqx to a DOS formatted floppy disk and insert it into a Macintosh running PC exchange. Run BinHex 4.0 to decode the file, this will give you a self extracting archive (StarGate.sea). Double click the archive icon to expand it. Please contact the author if you need further advice. The software is shareware. Kevin Raner Software 77 Therese Ave Mt Waverley 3149 Australia